Snuffling for voles

November Theme Challenge Day 15: Saturday Senses – any of our 5 senses implied or evident in your image

I trundled out with the woofers just after my beautiful girl came home from work. The drizzle easing for the time we were out. Talisker the Big was delighted to be able to come home with a tennis ball he found amongst the heather. It is the best toy EVER apparently....
HV and I bumbled around the house doing a bit of clearing and tidying, before we made a quick trip to town for provisions, then a lunch of bacon rolls. I prepped dinner and slammed it in the oven before we took the woofers to Wasdale. The low cloud was threatening rain, but we were lucky to stay dry. The dogs hunted for voles and I snapped a shot of Talisker the Bold disappearing into a hole he was digging in an effort to find a vole. He emerged filthy and vole-less.
Looking forward to this evening, we have Rob and his good lady coming for dinner.

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