Texann Times

By Texann

Orange is the New Black

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Today Leejohnaire and I drove into town for L’s monthly ‘check-in’ appointment with his oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The parking garage is a thing of… beauty... interest... gobsmacking wonder! So that we can all find our cars again in the 12-storey parking garage, they’ve allocated each floor one of the brightest colours any brain can possibly withstand - actually, one or two, eg the lime floor, are beyond that! And L said that if he wasn’t nauseous after chemo, the pink floor would certainly do it! They must think we’ll all have something else on our minds or something. :-)

In the evening, a large group of our friends from the neighbourhood, got all togged up, rented a stretttttccchhh Hummer limo and headed out to a charity fundraising event being hosted in part by one of our neighbours. It was lovely to be part of a very fun night whilst also raising money to help orphans around the world. L bid on various items in the silent auction but only came away with the "Big Bang Theory" Swag Bag! Bazinga!

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