Suitable for Pots and Patios
This Hebe rakaiensis came with me to this house in a pot. When I bought it, nearly 20 years ago, it was described as, 'dwarf, evergreen, suitable for pots and patios'. When I realised how big it was getting, I planted it in a shrub border next to a seating area. I bought another one a few years after that for the other side of the seating area hoping they would frame the bench. I've just googled it and it's still being described as dwarf etc; mine is at least 3 m diameter.
I do love it though. I've done very little to help it to achieve this height except during heavy snowfalls I've cleared the branches off so they don't break. It completely covered a narrow path at the back of the border so I drastically pruned just the back of it making it look like a peacock tail. Poor thing. It doesn't seem to mind.
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