It's Up to You Boy, You're driving me crazy.
Look at him.
Butter wouldn't melt,as he stands there, snuggling the cushion Tooli made him at Guides, and which he takes with him "Up Hills".
But unbeknown to many, inside the softness hides a monster. A monster who has only surfaced once before today.
It happened in the same place as the first occurrence. The "old" Safeway car park (This is a landmark in town, being the car park which was built for the town's supermarket, which outgrew itself twice.. Parking is free here, and of a premium, because it sits right in the town centre - easy access to all shops).
We had parked, (I say we, it was himself), casually in a space because we were merely running for a message into one of the shops which sits in the "Old" Supermarket unit. When we came out, we avoided cars which were screetching into spaces only seconds before left vacant. It was approaching Noon. High Noon as we like to call it in parking circles in town.
As we got back to the car, we waited patiently while a lady two cars down tried to remove her people carrier out of the space made for a mini. An original mini, not the four wheel drive style fashionable now. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.... Eventually she managed out, and headed down the one way system, to exit.
As she exited someone entered the lane in the wrong direction and shot immediately into her space. As we were in the last stages of our reverse, and turn, another car turned in to the lane, the wrong direction, he drove straight at us, waving furiously and grinning like a loon - indicating that we wanted our space, and it would be beneficial to him, if we stayed where we were for a few seconds so that he would enter the space with out letting the car who had been waiting to park in the right direction.
He squeezed past us - his face not ten inches from himself - who suddenly exploded. "PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE" "LET ME GET OUT". "PATIENCE" screaming, and screaming it over and over.
I clasped my hands over my ears and face, and slid down the seat, the last thing I saw was the mad man still waving and grinning like a loon despite Himself's tirade.
I reverted to rocking on my haunches, as the memory of the first road rage flooded back. The first time it happened in the same place - but the Supermarket was still there. Someone cut him up - the wrong way, and dived into a Parent and Child space, with no children in the car. We had two. The scene that followed meant that I could not venture anywhere near the supermarket for the next month.
I am hoping this man did not see me for the size of himself's fury, and am pretty confident that he would not recognise me again .
Let not this smiley,angelic, gentle face fool you.
Inside beats the heart of a Raging Road Monster.
I clarify this by saying these are the only two times i have seen him loose his temper even when I'm not behaving. He is a sweetie
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