Party party party

Up, ballet, home, make sandwiches, forgot to put the cheese in the cheese and cucumber sandwiches, hope no one noticed!

Womster slept well last night so as a direct consequence I slept well which was good. Munchie decided she didn't need a sleep before her party but did accept that quiet time in front of Charlie and Lola was a good idea. tomorrow she will be having a sleep during the day

I picked up auntie Katie and we headed to the village hall to set up, brother met us there and quite quickly we had everything ready which gave us time to try out the bouncy castle and also play on the bike / scooter things. Brother rather enjoyed himself me thinks!

Party went surprisingly well, very few tears and lots of fun and laughter. Munchie was so happy that her BFF from nursery was there and the two of them had a blast playing. Munchie also had lots of fun playing with Carys which is always lovely to watch.

Not too much food let over, no major incidents to report and I had a large glass of wine in my hand by 4pm!

Wom had gone round to auntie Sarah's as he is full of cold and a little grumpy with it. He had had a blast by all accounts. Unki C had been teaching him the rules of rugby and football (he can explain the offside rule perfectly now). Wom had a lovely sleepy on auntie Sarah and only got upset when he woke up not knowing where he was.

Now just got to remind Munchie that she is not 3 until the end of the month and she has only had her party!
Fab cake by the way, seemed a shame to cut it up!

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