
By conventgirl

A little altercation

What started as a comparatively small prang unfolded outside our house this morning. I didn't actually see the beginning but what I did see started with both women drivers shouting, swearing and threatening each other. Both of them must have called their families who duly arrived in 4 cars, one of which parked on my drive and 2 of which nearly caused another collision. Then a police car arrived, then the ambulance car (blocking in the car that was blocking my exit), then an ambulance, then another family member, then a tow truck.

So 11 vehicles blocking the road for at least an hour and a half (that's when I managed to get out). Although the woman in the front car was taken to hospital she didn't seem to be injured - especially when she was ranting and raving at the other driver. The insurance companies are going to have fun sorting this one out.

My theory is that the maroon car stopped suddenly for a pedestrian at the crossing although if that was the case he was long gone. We have always claimed that the crossing is too near the roundabout as there have been several accidents there.

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