From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Can I mention the 'C' word yet?

This is a definite quickie! I watched Strictly on BBC1 but then tried to watch the unmentionable talent(?) program on ITV three times but kept lapsing into a coma.

OK, today's 'C' word is 'crap'.


I put my new suet cake holders out. I like them but the birdies prefer the old flimsy things as you can see by my picture.

I learned today, that it's always best to take all the feeders off the feeding station before attempting to unscrew the pole and put a squirrel baffle on from the bottom. I was covered in mealworms and bird seed in the process.

What a mess!

I was nearly late meeting Frank for a pint or three in the Windmill in Stratford. Everywhere was really packed with Christmas shoppers despite the fact it's only mid November. I was stood up in the Windmill initially as there was nowhere to sit. I then decided to start singing and everyone left so I bagged a table before Frank arrived.

I am joking about singing and was just lucky.

The good news is that Frank is getting a feeding station! I am thrilled! Ann (Frank's wife) is a bit concerned about mice being attracted by all the bird seed etc.

Hmmmmm. It's not the mice you need to worry about. It's the rats as big as small ponies you need to look out for....

I went to the loo during the course of the afternoon (as you do) to make room for another Abbot Ale and was horrified to see in the mirror, a mealworm in my hair! I thought I'd got rid of them all before leaving the house! No wonder the pub had emptied when I'd walked in. They probably all thought I was a Zombie and had just been dug up!

Oh well... It was a lovely afternoon as usual.

This time next week I will be back in the right country again for a glorious fortnight - a week home working from Ayr and then a week in Edinburgh. I'm not wishing my life away I promise, but I really am looking forward to it!

Track? I haven't heard this for ages but I love this one from Maroon 5 - This Love

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