
By ThoughtyNaughty

Work space...

Pfffft ha! I call this, my ‘ work space’. I shouldn’t call it that, because today that is certainly a fib. I’ve been pressing flowers in my special press, paid a sly visit to Megalong books, which was VERY naughty. I even succumbed to a number of other hedonistic tendencies and procrastinations, which can be quite good for the soul, but to put it bluntly, shit for the back pocket. Yes the pic is wonky and life looks a little messy, but hey ☺

Walking up the main street this afternoon, the wind near blew my head off, and I wasn’t ready for the bracing chill of it. The concern here being, the fires that are burning down the hill, and the impact of such blowy natural forces on the inferno. At least it’s not a terribly hot day, like yesterday, if it were, with this kind of wind, we’d be fucked.

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