blip art :: xb

By xb

258 [I'm next]

Successful day, on the whole. There was a bit of frost this morning, but nothing a wee blast of the de-icer spray couldn't handle, and it turned out to be a cracking, blue-sky day. This morning saw a trip to the garage to put the car through its MOT. It passed, which is good in normal circumstances but today I had a voucher from Citroen to get the test for nothing, so even better!

Tonight, I headed through to Forres hoping for a clean bill of health in my mouth too. The trip to the dentist saw me alone in the waiting room. Ten minutes of poking about and two x-rays later I was out of the chair, and making an appointment for 9 months time... and that's when I realised, it's just 9 months and two weeks until Christmas! :)

So, all round, a pretty good day!

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