
By Seadog50337

A Friendly Face.

Today was a total disaster this photo could actually be a self portrait.I set off for the Robin Hood Bay area to photograph Ramsdale Mill waterfall, and using my non existing map skills got somewhere near to where it should be.Eventually I found what looked like the Mill but the waterfall appeared to be in someones back garden.I took a few quick shots then decided to leave when a grumpy looking owner appeared.So I headed to Goathland to find Nelly Ayre Foss waterfall which is apparently two kilometres upstream of Mallyan Spout.I then came up with the cunning plan of driving the two kilometres, then join the river there.Being a typical bloke I ignored a sign about erosion along the river bank and proceeded to walk for about an hour along a treacherous non existing path of lethal slippery rocks and six inches of mud only to find I had been going the wrong way. On the way back to the car I actually took another wrong turning and came across the friendly face , which reminded me I was becoming a bit of an ---( donkey).On arriving home I discovered my hastily taken Mill shots were out of focus,oh how I laughed.

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