
By GloryGlory


Fridays lethargy turned into Saturdays meanie of a migraine and a move from the couch to the bed and duvet for the most of the day. Today I've been trying to sooth the bruises of it. Nearly there.

There was detective activity this afternoon. Master Bs idea. We took it in turns to set clues. Mine went something like;

"The 'A' is sleeping soundly.
The 'B' is keeping clean.
The 'C' is trying to climb where we've hardly been.
When found the items 3 need to be brought to their friends,
Only then will you see if you've reached the end."

The conclusion was marshmallows.

Mr Bs plot was by far the most elaborate requiring a telescope to view a clue from an upstairs window!

We also managed to persuade the chidlers to deconstruct a pile of Lego creations which had evolved over the last fortnight, the deal was that each had to be photographed! This Lego lady was the most simplistic piece, but for Blips sake I liked the composition!

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