Misty walk

A good walk today, it was rather misty and it's not improved much through the day. Just seems to have got colder as the day went on.

Mr J is working on the founds for his new man cave garage that will be landing in our back garden in the next couple of weeks.
So there has been a small pile of slabs lying at the front of our house for the last couple of days as he wheelbarrows them round to the back, a few at a time.

Now I have been well aware that they are there on the numerous occasions that I have driven the car in and out, but...... (you know what's coming don't you!)..... This afternoon after getting in the car, sorting out the boys, getting the music on, I inadvertently forgot and drove right into them.


Held my breath as I sheepishly peeked round to the front of the car to see the damage.
Quite a lot of scrapes but luckily no dents.
Mr J was surprisingly calm when I told /showed him what I'd done!

Lucky he repairs damaged cars for a living.....
Hope he doesn't send me the bill......

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