Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee


Another weekend almost done.
Yesterday's fog replaced by a substantial amount of rain overnight and grey, cloudy, mizzlieness during the day.
An early ish morning walk (must have my four a day), then housework and catch up on some reading.
It's not been a weekend for much else.
Really need something to take my mind off stuff atm
I fear things are coming along all at once and I will end up back at square one.
Concerns are, one at a time, becoming worries :-(
One day at a time one step at a time I suppose
Loads of sparrows about in my garden, I hear plenty robins in and around the garden but only ever see one. There are a small group of rooks about and strangely I notice I haven't seen any starlings this weekend.
It's been a year of Rooks and starlings here.
I wonder what has grabbed this fellows attention?
Hope you've all had a good day

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