Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Spring visitors

Today, I went for a walk during lunch to enjoy the gorgeous weather. My adventure took me down an infrequently used path around a pond and I saw these swans. It was curious because the pond was still partially frozen and so these bords would swim for a while and then get up and walk on the ice. I thought that the birds disliked the cold, but these two seemed to be perfectly content good for them!

The one frustration with this shot is that I wish I had a bigger lens. This was shot with my 100mm macro and ironically, I do have a 200mm zoom, but was not carrying it. The challenge is that it is big and heavy and so I have often leave it at home. Days like today frustrate me because the added 100mm of reach could have made this shot even better. (Not to mention if I had an even bigger zoom!) Oh well, I guess I have to re-visit my strategy of leaving it at home.

A year ago: The weather was about the same as today. In a word, gorgeous.

Post processing:
Decreased contrast in DPP
Cropped in DPP

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