
By mef13

Shirt Mania


My wife reckons I have something of an obsession for shirts. Reckons I have not bought so many shirts as I have in the last year in the entire time we have been married.

Perhaps I can agree with her to a degree, in as much that shirts in the past were often pressies for Christmas or birthdays, and while I did buy the occasional shirt when I saw one I particularly liked, I have to admit it was not a regular habit.

The new ones I have bought online, usually as the result of receiving a seasonal or special offer catalogue by mail, or in the Sunday papers. Now, she reckons the courier delivery driver has got to know where we live simply by the fact he is delivering a fresh package with a tell-tale label quite frequently.

Mostly striped, sometimes a plain colour and even white. Yes it is true that I have renewed my collection of shirts in the past 12 months or so. I still have my favourites among the new ones, and my wife particularly likes the non-iron ones, which if you need, do live up to the claim.

But which one will I wear tomorrow? I seldom make up my mind ahead; the choice is down to what I fancy any particular morning.

One thing though. The local charity shops have benefitted as any number of the old, yet perfectly good shirts head their way.

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