Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Tree, Temperature Inversion and Pentland Hills.

Sunday morning bike ride was a cold affair, an anticlockwise version of last week's ride.

While it is cold as I set out, it is realatively bright. As I climb out of Penicuik, I take the Moor Road, the most direct route between Penicuik and West Linton. At the top of the climb, I can see the mist rolling north along the A702. The photo was taken the top. Behind the fog are the Pentland Hills. The fog is caused, as I find out when I descend from sunlight in to the mist at West Linton, by a temperature inversion.

The mist comes and goes as I head to Romannobridge along the Bogsbank road, and also as I ride along the Lyne valley to Lyne. Wiping my cycling glasses helps with the vision, but my hands are cold. Thankfully as I head north from Lyne, the mist clears, and the temperature climbs as I climb the Meldon Hills. At the top, 2 degrees C never felt so warm. The rest of the ride is clear and sunny.

Today's ride was 77km as I didn't do an extra 3km loop at the end.

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