
By badasian

Rock On!

Hubby and I had a bit of a late start today; somebody (me) woke up an hour late, so we got to the gym a little late, which put us behind on getting to Seattle for our last "tourist" day.

I'm glad we decided to go. It started snowing on the way to the gym, but there was no snow in Seattle. Seems like Mother Nature decided we were getting a little too happy about our Springtime weather and needed to remind us that it is still Winter. But no accumulations :) We'll have to see if we get anymore snow tomorrow.

Joe and I visited the Experience Music Project (EMP) and the Pacific Science Center at Seattle Center - using the last of our City Pass. I've been to both places several times, but Joe's never been to EMP. I made him play around in the photo studio area, and as always, he had way too much fun with it.

The agenda for tomorrow: yoga. Hopefully Mother Nature cooperates.

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