Decisions decisions

We're in Scotmid. He's got £1, it's torture.....complete torture....a magazine but which one...Dr who or a Gogo one? Oh no no Gogo magazines!!! Dr Who, not sure about that......sweets! thats it sweets.....but what to get? Doesn't like Lovehearts or sherbet, so the choice is not as big, just 248 sweeties to choose from. Oh this is agonising! Magazine? maybe the magazine?

Marshmallows! A big bag of marshmallows. Thats what he bought in the end. He's saving for a smart car so he has to be very careful with his money, he has to choose carefully when spending any as he's not going to do it very often.....these are all his own decisions.

...Oh and anger keeps Cheryl Cole strong.....or so I've learnt from looking at my picture.

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