Hanmer springs

There's a lot to be said for the solitude of the mountains we arrived in Hanmer Springs last night hence the Internet at least I am up to date for a while, oh a lot to be said, well first the peace and tranquility and the quite murmurs of the river as it gentle flows past the camp site and the evening and morning bird song, and Sam very quite growl at the possums in t he middle of the night.

Last night, was quite a different tale, we have booked into a caravan park it's quite lovely the lovely bird song, and that were it ends the hubbub of the traffics the coming and going of visitors and locals, and in the middle of the night we heard the gentle snoring of the man in the next tent, we really didn't know that some one could snore all night long how funny.

So today Bruce went back to the Molesworth station for a big of fishing under grey clouds the sun didn't quite make it today, so Sam and I walked the waterfall walk, never expect to much it was running s bit slow so I put this up instead with the camera balanced on my back pack and Sutter release cable I thought it was quite nice.

If you missed the last look of the Clarence it's only one day back.

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