
By Lynn

Three Wise Monkeys

Blipcyclopaedia - Mrs Evil Goat

Once upon a time (as fairy tales go) in the land of Leicestershire there lived a grey goat called Mrs.

Mrs was always longing to go to the Welsh hills to become a mountain goat, and kept moaning to all the other farm animals that she wanted a change of scenery.

One day she broke her tether, and got out in to the pastures so lush in the next field, when she came upon three monkeys sat on a wall. What are you doing here should you not be in a Zoo, or swinging from the trees, and why have you got your hands on your ears, eyes and mouth she bleated at them?

Hear no Evil, See No Evil, Speak no Evil, came the reply. Oooh do you think I am an Evil Goat said Mrs is dismay.

No were three Wise Monkeys and we have come to give you advice. You know how the saying goes "the grass is always greener".

So Mrs trotted off back to the farm yard to have a ponder.

Here endth the tale.

(sorry folks you can all stop groaning now and go to the next blip)

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