
By Norm

Walking Bob

On Friday we drove over to see family in Somerset and see the spectacle that is the Wells Carnival. This incredible carnival travels around the towns of the county over a fortnight in November (we saw it in Glastonbury a few years ago) and is really quite a sight... Hundreds of floats, some comically amateur but some that look like film-sets, thousands of people, millions of light bulbs; it's definitely worth seeing if you get the chance.

This year's event was slightly marred by the epic rainstorm that hit at about 9pm, leaving us with a 2-mile walk back to the house. We had raincoats but they didn't really do the job, we got totally drenched. Still, Ted was a star and didn't complain at all. He napped in the afternoon so happily stayed up until about 10:30pm.

This photo was taken on Saturday, a lazy day to recover. Glorious weather so a dog walk on the Levels in the sunshine.

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