A gem!

I am ashamed to say that I broke yet another camera shutter on saturday! This time my daughter's 1000d. She is not too impressed, and it means yet another trip to Maidstone and another £120 bill!!!!
I think all it proves to me is I need a new professional camera, which hopefully will cope better with someone taking large numbers of shots.
My lovely Mum has agreed to buy me a second hand LumixG1 for Christmas so tomorrow I will back in action in the micro 4/3rds department. I chose the older G1 and not a G10 as I don't need video and the Gi has a superior viewfinder.
Luckily I still have my 400d so things aren't that bad :-)
Not wonderful weather today, so I decided to get in early and take a shot of one of the woodlice I was catching for the choice chambers experiment at work.
I was drawn to this woodlouse as it was bigger than the others, and had these very attractive yellow markings.
I did some research and found it is actually a Common shiny woodlouse Oniscus aseilus , a species found commonly in the UK.
The Common shiny woodlouse is grey in colour with yellow patches, and the edges of the body armour (epimera) is usually very pale. It can up to 16mm long, and the tail end of the body two pointed projections called uropods.
It can be found in damp, shady places, and feeds on dead plant matter.
I have a soft spot for woodlice, I think I might try to find some more species to blip in the future

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