
By LadyFindhorn


As was noted yesterday by the more discerning of you, I have indeed invested in a new photographic toy. This was bought rather against the advice of son #2, not because of the *SKI connection, but because of the more cumbersome nature of a DSLR. However I was determined to sample the delights or otherwise of the big boys' toys before I was committed to the ante room of the hereafter.

As David77 says, there will be no monetary **KI, but lots of used I-phones, DSLRs and Mac Books. That is surely more interesting than filthy lucre even if there is some left after the horrendous weekly rates of any ante room.

So I am in a new learning curve. I don't want to stick with the automatic settings on the camera, and will be making many mistakes as I learn to go manual.
Yesterdays blip was a happy accident and there will be many duff shots before I reach any sort of potential.

I rolled down to Newhaven this morning with the intention of finding some olde world streets and alley ways between there and Leith. What I did discover was that the whole area is undergoing regeneration, and many interesting looking archways and alleyways lead to modern flats which have no appeal to me. There were a lot of derelict buildings which did feature in some blips, but I never really got anything that I was looking for, even though I wasn't sure what that was.

What I did notice was of course the different atmospheres of Leith and Edinburgh City. As I made my way home up Leith Walk and the Bridges, everything became less congested and more sanitised, but also less interesting and immediate.

* Spending the Kids Inheritance
**Kids Inheritance

The blip is of a derelict pier adjacent to the berth of the Royal Yacht Britannia at Ocean Terminal

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