On the beach..

..it's been an unusual Autumn.

Alternate months have been either very wet, or very dry.
A little table for you!
-------Ave - 2014 - Low - High
Aug -- 92 --- 205 --- 41 --- 213
Sep -- 128 --- 62 --- 36 --- 262
Oct -- 149 -- 226 --- 91 --- 246
Nov -- 168 --- 37 --- 58 --- 257

August and October were very wet, near the 20 year highest, while September and November have been quite dry (I know we're only half way through, but we've only had 5 mm in the last 9 days!).

Those who follow my blog will know what those wet months did to the croft!

A bit grey and overcast today, and I've finished my seed order, placed it, and got a 6% discount for getting it in before the end of November! Still cost over £300 though..

Tanni loves to hide, behind rocks, clumps of seaweed, or maybe just a piece of driftwood. She will sit tight until we throw the ball, and she got caught by a wave just after I took this. As soon as we throw the ball, she's after it..


Overcast and grey today

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