Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Family dinner.

We have always set great store as a family to eat together each evening. We gather in the kitchen and talk about all sorts: from snippets about our day, to our lives and dreams, what we believe and what we've watched on TV!
Over the years there have been absences: university, holidays and the inevitable 'leaving home', but meal times have always become a focus for our family to regroup, refresh and re-establish our connection.
Tonight there were three of us (and Jim of course). As I was home all day I'd cooked a chilli, the Man sat and enjoyed a lager after his busy day at work and Miss L got busy making a sublime chocolate brownie for dessert. We moved around the kitchen like a well rehearsed ballet, chatting and laughing.
I experienced a moment of utter contentment and love for my family...followed by a wonderful meal of course!

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