Tears and Stars

Today was Auditions #1 for Lise Live XXX. The first "Lise (="high School") Live" was in 1998-99 when I first came to the school and organised a music-for-kids-performed-by-kids night. It has run bi-annually ever since. Today's audition was the usual mix of boy-bands, including the one pictured (starring Koray-the-music-teacher who also played bass in the Eagles "One of These Nights" with another group). However, the real Stars in my eyes today were the two 9th grade boys who performed, beautifully, a heavenly rendition of Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven". Not a dry eye in the house. Auditions #2 tomorrow.

Lise Live XXix
Lise Live XXviii
Lise Live XXvii

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