The University

The conference of the rural geographers of Germany started yesterday at lunch-time. We had a great session all afternoon, and an interesting conference dinner in a rural restaurant. The conference continues today, and I was struck by this sculpture in the middle of the campus. It is a symbolic statue to commemorate Carl von Ossietzky - who gave his name to the university. Ossietzky was an anti-Nazi campaigner who was sent to the concentration camps for his activity. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, which at that stage even the Nazis could not ignore, so he was 'released' but the trauma of the camps, the poor conditions and his over-work took its toll and his died. The university was founded in 1974 and took the name of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg to honour his memory. A busy, busting community of 13,000 students - what a great way to celebrate an inspirational man.

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