View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Fire in the sky

This was taken from the school in KLB when I was at the sewing class today. I had a little accident when I was there. I was getting up from the table when I pushed the chair back but I stumbled so went to sit down again but I had knocked the chair over and went down on the floor on my bottom. I am a bit bruised but hopefully my back is okay as I have had two good days and was thinking that it was on the turn for getting better. I will know tomorrow.
Lots of things happened today before I went to KLB. The other day TC hit the wall round the car par in front of the house. but thought not too hard. Today we noticed a big hole in it as it had fallen over. I went to check the car but couldn't find any fresh damage then walked round to the front of the car and noticed all this black oil coming out from under the bonnet. We opened the bonnet and discovered the oil cap was missing. TC had been checking the oil a few days ago and topped it up and forgot to put the cap on. I went into the house to checke the web and found one at £6.37 but they wanted £9.35 to posted to us. We phoned Inverness and Ness Motors are posting one out to us.
Then R phoned to say he was at the Red Point looking for sheep so would TC go over to Fanagmore and get his Landrover and bring it here.
When I got home R had found seven of our missing sheep. Nothing happens in Tarbet!

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