Look before you leap

Once again, my trip to get a photograph of some allotments was foiled, by this scene.

It was one of those days, today. Up early-ish to get some things done. I put on the washing and took the dry clothes off the airer. Then, moving the airer through to the other room after the wash was finished, I managed to knock a spiderplant off the bookcase. Compost everywhere, so out with the vacuum, which also meant doing the rest of the floors, since they immediately look worse with the composted bit looking clean.

Then off to the store, taking the empty bottles to the bottle-bank. Discover (the hard way) that one of the bottles still had about an inch of stale beer in the bottom. Half way there, the carrier-bag handle breaks.

Late back, so miss M's call from Milton Keynes station. Call her back, she's on the quiet coach of the train.

I'm making toad-in-the-hole tonight, what's the betting that me batter won't rise?

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