Christmas Shopping. Done.

Christmas shopping done,
At least I hope that it is,
Sore feet and headache!


What a day!

Had a lovely busy hectic day out, been suffering since but so pleased I got out for a while.

Grandad did some awesome Stella-sitting while I shopped and had a sit down and lunched and had a sit down and shopped and had a sit down and costa-coffeed and had a sit down and shopped and had a sleep in the car on the way back.

Happy to share that all armchairs in both John Lewis and M & S are comfy and that I didn't fall over anything until after lunch when I tumbled into both a full-length mirror and a red plastic Christmas tree!

Tripping over the hump in the car park doesn't count because 3 of us did it!

Only one bout of dizzies when I was being nosey in Costa so it served me right really! We even saw Santa Claus but he was too skinny to be the real one.

In other Monday news, started a trial of a vitamin supplement. Can't seem to do much about the migraines so thought I'd try and get rid of the accompanying aches & pains without even more chemical painkillers. It's called GOPO and is derived from rosehip powder. I'd love if works a bit :)

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