
5years 28days

Katie is wearing Christmas leggings. And a winter Monkey top. She had turkey for tea.... A month early?! She is very chuffed that it's "almost time for getting ready for Christmas". She isn't asking about her presents or Santa. She loves all the festivities though and can't wait for the tree and decorations and carols and concerts. My god babies returning to the UK in two weeks. Actually, I can't wait either. This year had gone too quickly, has had some hard spells, but I really am looking forward to this.

Oh I must note- for those of you who've followed our journey most of these past five years, Katie slept until 815am this morning. Positively unheard of. She wakened at 6 and I suggested she go back to sleep. The result certainly surprised me. I'm not sure this has ever happened before!

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