Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all.

Somewhere, there is a little ring of hell reserved for one special group of people, a small space of damnation where the devil's central heating is turned up to maximum And the pitchforks are honed to the finest,sharpests of points.

Those who we consign to this inferno of torment are known only in shadow, an unnamed but unloved group of people who have brought untold misery to countless millions of unsuspecting home improvers the world over.....

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the evil that is those hateful souls who invented, discovered, pioneered and championed the instruments of torture known only by the commonplace name.........

woodchip wallpaper

Nine hours, nine whole hours, and this piece of poppadam sized wallpaper is all I have to show for it.

Burn for all eternity, sinners, burn, then burn some more.....

Night all

nine inch nails

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