An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Proxy Blip...


Gill arrived at midday and her and Alan went off on another adventure. I honestly can't believe how lucky we've been with Alan's Support Workers. They are absolutely the best! He is having a ball with them. I have never known him to be so enthusiastic about going out and doing stuff. It makes my heart sing!

After they left, Ele and I had lunch then headed off to the Antique and Arts Centre in Doune. This proved a very fruitful trip in that we managed to do some Christmas shopping (two of the gifts Ele bought are for me so I got to choose them :-))) My knee was it sore again so I found a very comfy chair to sit on whilst Ele went off looking at vintage handbags. She resisted buying one though.

Back home and after coffee and cake Ele headed home, I got Alan's tea on and David arrived home, tired but happy after a weekend of male bonding, hill walking, golfing and eating and drinking till he almost burst! When he showed me the photos he'd taken this morning I nabbed on for my blip. Much more exciting than the grainy sunset shot I'd managed to grab, so there you have it. Blipping by proxy :))

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