Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Trying to encourage Charley to play with Nell a bit and accept her as one of the pack. He's very interested in all the toys she comes with so I set up a bit of a tug of war with them. He was very growly with her but she wasn't going to give in easily! You can see the determination on her face.

Spent the morning at home mostly unpacking stuff from the weekend and trying to get through all the washing. Lime had new shoes this arvo so we went down to the yard for a bit to sort that. Tobes came home from school and practised his writing. He's not writing anything as such just forming lots of letters. His reading is really coming on now too - he's starting to look at the letters in his book and merge the sounds together. Its just a matter of finding the right time to do it as he's not interested when he first gets home and then its always a bit chaotic after tea with Eva and dogs everywhere till M gets home and then he's always feeling a bit tired and just wants to play with Daddy. Parents evening on Thursday - got lots of questions!

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