Shoebox Helper

Filling shoe boxes with small toys, school supplies, candy, crayons, books, etc….was so much more fun this year with my Shoebox Helper, Moira. Every year we put together shoeboxes for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child project. This is one of the very best programs to help hurting children around the world. I get teary eyed sitting here thinking about the joy and hope that these children who have nothing will receive this year. Moira was really into making sure each box had a yoyo and candy! I think she personal tried out every yoyo and loving gave a kiss to every baby doll placed in the shoeboxes. We prayed over each box before closing them. I have the tracking number for each boxes so that Moira and I see what country the boxes will go to. Moira had so much fun with this project that I believe we will do even more boxes next year.

But Jesus called them to Him, saying, "Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of G0d." Luke 18:16

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