Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Trounce Alley

Named for Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Trounce, PGM of BC 1885 to 1886, owner of vast lands abutting either side of his self named alley.

Trounce Alley is the go to lane for (pricey) shoe and handbag shopping in Victoria. I was merely rushing by on my way to Munro's Books to do a bit of soft cover Christmas shopping. The alley looked rather pretty, despite being practically deserted. A seasonal coloured light bulb wouldn't go amiss. (I shall write a letter to City Council).

An excerpt from Most Worshipful's obituary "The late Mr. Trounce was a good type of upright, sterling English gentleman ... a large estate is left.” And a few pressed suits, no doubt.

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