Views of my world

By rosamund


I would have called this blip 'face' as in the face I will miss when she goes to Paris tomorrow but she insisted I could only use her image if I called it Ebola. I wouldn't trivialise the horror of this disease but teenagers use words casually and as I'm in my sick bed with a bad tummy bug she will say things like "how's your Ebola?" I'm going to donate direct to Oxfam this year as I wouldn't give the tax dodging pop stars the recognition for churning out the same old song that was written 30 years ago when I like to think we have a more informed world view and find the lyrics at the least misinformed and at the worst verging on the offensive.

Anyway it's killing me that I can't even spend any time with this face before she goes for fear of her catching this lurgy. Hopefully I'll be better by the time she gets back on Sunday.

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