
By PJG844

Sic Him Rover

Heeeere's Larry! 3M purchased Larry a few years ago when we were talking about moving up here. Of course, being silly southerners, we didn't realise that the Island doesn't really get that much in the way of snow, unlike the Highlands. No matter. We love Larry. He brought us all the way up from Kent and I still maintain it was a more comfortable ride than the hatchback 3M also had. And he has been busy up here. He's towed cows to the abattoir, moved hay up to fields, transported orphan lambs on the back seats (spoilt, they were) and, more importantly, taken dogs to the beach. A strange thing. When we had Barney (the blind dog) in the back of Larry Barney would make the strangest noises, something on the lines of trying to howl but with the addition of a tickly throat and what sounded like the onset of puberty. He would make these noises in any car. Now, if we're out in Larry and the wind is in the right direction, the sound through the sliding windows is not unlike what we call Barney's singing. Funny and sad at the same time.

Quite a busy day today. 3M was doing the rounds of absent neighbours houses to make sure all was well and nothing important in the post (hence the picture of Larry, I had to b****y walk). I'm wondering if I should tell our neighbours who are currently in the Antipodes that their new picture window has been blown in and that the palm tree in the garden has fallen, knocked the garden wall down and smashed a window in their car? Nah, I'll leave it and, when they get back, I'll stand there and say “Ta-Da!!”.*

Started to put the new racking together. “No worries” sez I, “take me half an hour to put one together”. Oh, no it didn't. Three hours of struggling with this “no nuts and bolts” racking. And I still didn't manage to finish one of them. That will teach me to buy a cheap bargain. Still, once they're finished, they're finished. But, good news, I managed to burn all the rotten wood that was in the barrel. Which means ….. 3M can now use the barrel to wash the fleeces that are cluttering up MY byre. Ha! Actually, it was quite a nice experience burning all that wood in a brazier. Stood there, keeping an eye on it, and watching the last of the sunlight roll up the glen. Ships on the horizon switching night lights on, Lewis lighthouse pulsing over the sea. Thought the Starlings were forming a murmuration overhead but all they were doing was making a beeline for the lambs food in the trough. Typical. Wretched geese screeching and cr**ping overhead. There's always one that has to ruin it for everyone, isn't there. But, all-in-all, a beautiful evening. Is it really the end of November?

Today's random music currently playing is A Beautiful Thing by The Handsome Family. I do enjoy their songs, appeal to the warped side of me. What do you mean, there's only one side of me, 3M?

*Only kidding, Mr D.

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