On our way....
I've been on a blip-break for a while because Sue and I were hatching very exciting plans for a trip to the UK in about six months. We have been on our computers for days: looking at airfares, trying one itinerary and then another, investigating accommodations and reading reviews on TripAdvisor, writing blip-friends, adding up columns of figures that amounted to more than we could afford, paring the dream down to a size we think we can manage...and finally we have a plan for three-weeks-and-a-bit in May and June. We're thrilled and tingly with excitement, and our eyes and brains are worn out from screen-time and keyboard tapping. We have our tickets. We're on our way. And we couldn't possibly do this without you.
We had to leave out Ireland and Scotland, but we're going to make it to Wiltshire, to Wales, and to Yorkshire...and then to London for a few days.
Let's see, I think that means we have less than 200 days to go. I won't start the count-down quite yet.
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