Iain with two ‘I’s

By iainkendall

Weak Moment

At lunchime I had a rather mediocre sandwich and a very tasty yogurt but I was missing what my wife calls the crunch-factor so I set off to Scotmid in Stockbridge to buy a packet of crisps...Mixed Root Vegetable Crisps by Coop are fantastic...but I did't stop there, "5 cookies for 75p? I'm in!" and I bought them along with my crisps and missioned to work telling myself that they could last me the rest of the week!

Who was I kidding? Cup of coffee in hand, I ploughed though that packet of cookies one after another...and the Brucey-bonus was that my packet had 6 cookies, not 5.

I don't think I have ever felt so out of it...I effectively OD'ed on cookies...and spent the rest of the afternoon feeling lethargic. It wasn't until hours later and a walk home that I felt any better knowing the errors of my ways.

Biscuits and cookies are always the cause of my weak moment, and yet you'd think I would learn.

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