
July was a very busy month, this was when the garden officially "went over" and "out of control". No matter, I thought, I will sort it out good and proper after our holiday and will get it all under control in the autumn. And then I broke my leg and didn't set foot out there again until two weeks ago.

I should have taken a before photo, it was embarrassing. And I am still some way off doing any gardening so I got a man in, and what a lovely job he has done except for the bamboo which he was meant to thin not just chop in half and I am going to make my New Years resolution early:

Next year I am going to have a nice garden that I like.

Right, now I have actually said that, I am going to have see it through. I get a bit stuck with plants I want though, tell me your favourite plant, I like lots of flowers.....

Went to the office for a few hours this morning. And that's about it.

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