
By tookie

A Golden Friend

This is another of my longtime Ohio childhood friends...four of us date way back...probably fifty years now. I was able to see Martha twice while in Ohio and this was taken, a dual selfie propped upon a garbage can, after we had breadfast at an ole little classic cafe--Eat At Joes:)

Martha saw this and said " I look fat"....I said oh cut it out! We both have winter puffy jackets on, baggy pants and we look great!. Martha has had a tough road in life...the past many many years she has faithfully cared for her 100 yr old mom. Her mom lives in her home. Martha's health has declined and her spirit has suffered. She dreams of one day traveling with her husband---of a year and a half. But the future isn't too bright as he has so many health issues and , I fear, after her mom dies her full time caretaker roll will shift to him.

But she'd beautiful and one of my Golden friends as the song Make New Friends says....make new friends, but keep the old...some are silver and the others gold.

So for an little wee bit of time...we shared the joy of each other's company and reminiscing of some better times. I wish her only happiness in the future .

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