From The Tea Rooms

Ann set off early (6:30) this morning for Shaldon. We need to close-down the chalet for the winter, turning off water, electricity etc. also an opportunity for her to see Colin.

So I was in charge of Dylan and tea making; both of which I achieved remarkably well I think. Martyn is cracking on with the kitchen, suitably lubricated with PG Tips (apparently, and I had to go to their web site to find out, PG stands for Pre-Gest, indicating that the tea could be drunk before food was digested).

My cold is hopefully improving but I still have a racking cough that distresses all around who hear it, presumably because they think I’m highly contagious and should be locked away somewhere.

I took this picture whilst walking Dylan this morning in Shottery, the view of Ann Hathaway’s Cottage from the tea rooms across the road. It’s nice to see a splash of colour on these grey November mornings.

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