Cows Chillin'

Today, I wouldn't have minded being one of these cows.
Our heating has not worked properly upstairs for more than a year now but with winter approaching, this was the day to try to get it fixed.
The heating engineer arrived at 7.00 a.m. I had been up for an hour draining the system.
To cut a long story short, he replaced various joints, filled it up, didn't work, emptied it, more changes, filled it up and so on and so on and despair was beginning to set in.
My part was to provide coffee, towels, spanners, wipe furrowed brows etc. I must have climbed our stairs at least fifty times.
However, just as he said he was "clutching at straws", the radiators started heating up and now it seems to be working.
I then had to mop up, replace boards, relay carpets etc.
I don't suppose these cows have to worry about such things.
But then again, I don't have to worry about ending up on a plate!!!
Today, our tickets to see Roddy Frame in a couple of weeks, arrived in the post.
I hope he plays this!

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