
By RobinBanneville

Pampas and Vapor Trails

We saw the sun again today ... which after yesterday's dreary 5 day outlook was a pleasant surprise ...
Having got home from work at about 3 o'clock, I grabbed a sandwich and waited for a possible telephone call from a friend inviting me around for a cuppa ...
Meanwhile, I decided to have a short lie down (just for 10 minutes you understand) ...
One hour fifteen minutes later I woke up ...
It was now 4:40
The phone call was never guaranteed, but it now seemed that not only was I not going to have a nice cup of tea and a chat, but I'd also missed out on a lovely sunset ... :o(
Luckily I'd already taken a photo of some grass on the way home from work ... So although the sunset had slipped me by, all was not lost ... :o)

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