
Rosey is not very well. She came up stairs this morning and whimpered when I stroked her head and was not happy on being near Ruby! She was ok on our walk tho didn't charge off as usual. I located her painting being just behind her ear, couldn't find any marks to suggest an injury... VET. After a couple of jabs from the lovely Mike at Wicstun Vets she appeared to perk up quite nicely. Today she went flying and landed with legs adrift and looked very scared, to say I was scared is an understatement, it took me back to Feb 1st and picking Rudds up. She has seemed ok for the rest of the day in till we came home this evening and she lost her footing again! I wonder if the pain on her head is a bruise from Ruby being at tad too stern. She seemed a little disorientated as if suffering vertigo. I don't like this.

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