Local Windmill, Pendrecht, Rotterdam

This is the windmill I combed out the entire area between Charlois and Rotterdam yesterday for. I had spotted it a number of times already from the highway on my way to places like Schiedam, Vlaardingen and Maasland. It is so obvious it's hard to believe that if you really don't make an effort you won't actually find it. Today I had the time before work to snoop around the neighbourhood of Pendrecht, as I've since learned it is called, and discover its exact spot. As it turned out, there is no road to it; you have to park near the Turkish football club and then walk about 200 meters. Also, it was closed today but is actually open three times a week. Of course, I will visit it again when the weather is brighter.

It feels as though I've had an extremely long day at work, although I didn't have to show up till lunch. Came home at about 20.00, had dinner, then hubby tucked me in on the couch, where I napped for 2.5 hours. The plaid we are using at the moment for couch naps is actually something I bought for him in Manila when we got engaged and I was waiting for my visa. I thought he would need it for those long days in the bus or truck when he had to rest at a lay-by.

Just before I left for home tonight, I googled for other windmills within a radius of 25 km. from where I work ... at least a hundred, including a number I've already seen. Looks and sounds like enough for quite a while yet!

Relatively WARM today ...

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