Return to the North

By Viking

I want to be a tree

There are time sin life where being a tree seems quite appealing - I have hit one of those stages!

had to set off early this morning to get to Gore for a couple of meetings. The first was a meeting between my mentor and another 'first time principal' for a 'what's on top meeting' Was a bit of a bugger setting off so early but worth every minute. Being a principal is a lonely job and sometimes I have thought over the last year that I am indeed very alone and that everything that is happening here is only happening here. The conversation between us this morning showed that on one particular issue at least we wee having exactly the same issue! Small comfort but comfort non the less.

Then it was a meeting of a number of other principals from the rural region (rather than the snooty lot in the city :-)

A good lunch at the Thomas Green bar and back home. Took the camera with me - of course but the weather wasn't really conducive to taking too many shots. I spotted these trees on the hill and liked them

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