my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

the sun sets on a good day

Dexter had his appointment at Sick Kids today to see about his allergic reaction and lack of weight gain. After the dermatology appointment being a bit tougher than expected, we had prepared ourselves for this one.
Dexter was a star though and we're rather happy following conversation with the doctor. For one, he says that Dexter's weight is in good proportion to his height and that hopefully his weight should be levelling off nicely round about now. He also had a look at the offending packet of baby porridge and said that, although he's going to refer Dexter for some scratch tests to check for food allergies, he believes it's most likely one of the artificial preservatives in the porridge. That would be excellent if that were the case! In the meantime, we've been given the all clear to continue to cautiously introduce new foodstuffs. Another appointment for 6 months time when he'll be a year old!

Celebrated with a quick third of Earl grey Sour in the Hanging Bat.

Met up with Rob and Chloe for a couple drinks and a takeaway to celebrate her birthday. Chloe is finally turning 18!

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