Autumn Raindrops

From bough to bough the raindrops fly
As the winds wing under an autumn sky.
The earth is darkly overbent
With the vast heavy firmament.

O beautiful wet leaves and bark
That glow within the cloudy dark,
You are as fleet with lovely light
As raindrops shimmering in flight.

You are as softly bright and rounded
As the bright heart in darkness hounded-
The heart too falls from a cloudy birth
Into the darkenings of earth.

by Edward Sapir 1884-1939

This morning it rained, at lunchtime it rained, this afternoon it rained, and guess what? It's still raining! I had intended to go out in search of some Autumn colour, but, as dedicated to my daily blip as I am, this is as far as I got!!

Best NOT viewed large!!!

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